Providing Tennessee With Concrete X-ray, Concrete Scanning & Utility Scanning
Here at ProScan our company is owned and operated by certified scanning technicians in order to ensure the most reliable and accurate scans in the industry. Our expert high tech radar services travel anywhere, anytime to meet all of your scanning needs. By using the most up to date GPR technology our technicians can provide a detailed report revealing any objects embedded in concrete, block, asphalt or any other non metallic surface, including rocks and soils. ProScan offer the most advanced ground penetrating radar utility services that can map and locate lines and pipes (water, gas, air, electrical, etc.), telecommunication lines, graves location (cemeteries), fuel tanks locations, concrete voids, sinkholes, sewer pipes, and more. At ProScan we believe in providing the best customer service at very competitive prices and remain on the cutting edge of scanning technology.